LADA GRANTA PRIMA AMBULANCE based on LADA GANTA PRIMA is made by class B and designed for carrying out medical measures of emergency care by the medical (paramedic) team, transportation and monitoring of the condition of patients at the pre-hospital stage..
Features and advantages of Lada Granta Prima ambulance
- Vehicle for transportation of infectious patients
The ambulance's medical salon is completely isolated from the driver.
Low loading height for rolling in/out of the wheelchair.
Two patients can be transported simultaneously in a vehicle of this class if necessary.
Low service costs - 50% lower than equivalents
FWD, adjustable air suspension on the rear axle and high clearance allows to use the car outside the city.
The flat floor allows to maximize the space of the medical salon.
Maneuverability of a passenger car.
Built-in ambulance loudspeaker
- Fuel AI-92
Gearbox 5MT
Engine power 106 h.p./87 h.p.
Leading wheels FWD
Volume 1,6 l.
LadaGranta Prima (class B) ambulance by special vehicles factory-manufacturer "Shvabe-SpeсAuto"
"Shvabe-SpeсAuto", the official manufacturer of specialized vehicles, offers to buy a new ambulance based on the Lada Granta Prima (class B) at a good price. The car dealership provides customers with the optimal conditions:
- Warranty service
Preferential terms for car purchasing
Nation-wide delivery
To be consulted please use our site's forms or call us on 8-800-707-75-64
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